A study shows that when people are part of a group they don’t behave as honestly as when alone, particularly as concerns money matters. Over 250 candidates were observed alone and in groups of three. When alone each candidate had to throw a dice in the air ten times and each time write the number that came up on a sheet of paper. In the case of groups, each member of a group threw the dice and then the three members wrote the sum of the three results (not the three results separately). Here too the process was repeated ten times. A money prize was given to single as well as teams in proportion to how high the scores were. Unknown to the candidates the entire process was filmed and conversations tape recorded. In reporting results groups lied much more frequently than single people. Even those who on individual throws never lied, did so frequently when part of a group. Intragroup messages inviting players to be dishonest were three times more frequent than messages suggesting honesty. The researchers conclude that even for honest people it is difficult to remain honest if the group one belongs to suggests being dishonest to the advantage of everyone in the group. Young people are vulnerable because their desire to be part of a group is particularly strong when they are young and at that age their moral compass is still not quite mature.

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