The term Fast Food is well known around the world and to be truly fast the chewing part must be minimal. This allows more time to be spent doing other things such as speaking. In fact, exchanging about 45 minutes chewing time (15 minutes on average for each of the three meals) into social time is appetizing to many. Appetizing not only for the consumer but also for all those who make a living selling you things to eat….In fact the feeling of satiety after eating depends both on how much we eat and on how long ago we started eating. The longer the time and thus the more we chew the more we feel full even with relatively small amounts of food. Vice versa if we eat a lot in a short span of time, and thus do not chew very much, we continue to feel hungry and therefore go on eating (and spending!) even more. The rest is easy to understand. Fast Food is associated with obesity because when we eat fast, we eat more. We are now discovering that not chewing is bad for both body and brain. Chewing does not just break up food but in growing children it contributes to the development of the central nervous system. In the elderly reduced chewing for a host of reasons (loss of teeth, weakness of masticatory muscles) promotes a decrease in cognitive function, particularly memory and learning. We must return to chewing as this helps us be beautiful, healthy and clever and we must oppose the social forces that want us to be ugly, fat and stupid. Our dentist must help us chew and also explain why we must chew.

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