REM sleep is a phase of sleep in which we dream. In this stage the brain is active just as if we were engaged intellectually. It has been discovered that during REM sleep neurons form certain connections in various areas of the brain and certain neurological circuits awaken (which otherwise are dormant when one is awake). The new connections, together with the circuits that have just been awoken, form a kind of scaffolding that connect ideas and these contribute to finding a solution to problems which we had before going to sleep. Without the scaffolding these ideas would remain isolated and would therefore not contribute to the solution of those problems. These particular connections between neurons do not form during non-REM sleep or during rest. Also, when we are awake ideas connect in a way that contributes to the solution of problems but the connections made during REM sleep are unique and lead to solutions that are more creative than those made when we are awake. Children who sleep well, go to bed at the right time and sleep in dark, silent and healthy rooms spend more time in REM sleep. This means that they rest properly and are creative when awake.

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