Adults and children often speak using their hands. In the case of children this helps them learn better. A child who does not yet know the word “dog” but points at a dog will probably hear his mother say “well done, that’s a dog”. A child who says the word “dog” and points towards a gentleman walking down the street will probably hear his mother say “well done, that dog belongs to that gentleman”. Therefore, gesturing helps tell our teachers what we already know so that then they know at what level of difficulty they should teach us. These teachings are based on words and gesticulations and so the child controls his level of learning. Gesturing is therefore a way of informing our teachers about how difficult their lessons should be when we cannot do so in words. A number of educational centers now use gesticulation to collect information on possible learning defects children have so that they can be corrected using gesticulation as a therapeutic tool. Children who describe the possible uses of a cup using their hands come up with three times the number of uses respect to children who do not use their hands to speak. Children should be invited to speak using their hands.

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