Prevention is better than treatment. A Swedish study shows that people who are about to fall ill, but do not yet show clinical signs of disease, emit unpleasant olfactory and visual signals. Photographs of people’s faces taken a few hours after their immune system was activated following contagion (and thus a few days before the appearance of clinical signs of disease) are considered much less attractive than identical photos taken before contagion. This outcome is even greater if the photos are paired with olfactory samples of the people in question. In a sense we are altruistic to warn people about our imminent illness (although only subconsciously as not even we know). Maybe instead, we are selfish because if those around us fall ill who will then cure us? Furthermore, medicines and treatment in general would have to be shared. However, the closer the relationship the more does the avoidance response become one of caring. The mother of a child who is ill not only does not avoid her child but gives even more cuddles.

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