Chimps make no distinction in asking people whether blindfolded or not for food. Hide a banana under one of three plates and then signaling to the chimp under which plate the banana is hidden will not help the chimp find it. Dogs instead will understand, but not chimps, even if they are our close cousins. How come? Wolves behave like chimps and they too do not understand the meaning of a cue. Dogs must have learnt to answer cues in the last 40 000 years when they separated from their common ancestor to be tamed by man. Can this explain such a difference in behavior between dog and wolf? Let’s go to Siberia where Belyaev, head of the Genetics Institute, studied 130 foxes which he divided into two groups. Those that were not aggressive towards people could reproduce to have cubs, the others were turned into fur coats. A group of control foxes could reproduce freely. After 40 generations where at each generation only the less aggressive foxes could live to reproduce, foxes of the first group interpreted cues just like dogs did whereas the control group did not. The former, were not selected for their intelligence but rather for their willingness to interact with man. It is believed that the same thing happened with dogs and long before that with people. It was not the more intelligent that mated and went on to have children, but rather the more friendly, cooperative and capable of solving problems that emerged. Man took a great stride forward when he/she learned to be friendly. The progress of man in various fields is principally due to his/her ability to work together with others, even with people one does not know or finds unpleasant. Six million years ago when our line separated from that of chimps, we became more tolerant. Before being hunter gatherers, our ancestors were tolerant cooperators.

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