‘Having a conversation’ is one of the most typical human activities. The speaker usually believes that the listener is interested in hearing about his/her incredible experiences. Instead, the listener is more often bored because it is difficult that the speaker tell a story so well that others grasp what makes it extraordinary for the speaker. In a study some people were asked to listen to two individuals, who were enthusiastic of their job, speak about what they did. Some of the listeners had seen a film of the two at work others not. Before speaking the two workers were asked whether they thought the audience would be interested in hearing them speak of their work. The audience was also asked the same question. At the end of the two speeches the two speakers were asked about how interesting they thought their speeches had been for the audience and the audience was also asked how interesting they found the speeches. Before the presentation the speakers thought that the part of the audience that had already seen the film, would have been bored to then hear the speech and vice versa that those who had not seen the film would be interested. Also, after their presentation they thought this. Before the presentation the part of the audience who had seen the film also thought it would be boring to hear the speech about what they had just seen. The surprising result was that the expectations of speakers and audience were all wrong. Those who had viewed the film found the speeches a lot more interesting than those who simply heard the presentation. According to the researchers the film gave those who saw it the opportunity to improve and integrate the story they then heard. If you simply listen you easily get bored unless the speaker is extraordinarily good at describing things. If instead you already know something of what is being said your level of participation is much greater. Parents and teachers should not ask children to listen but rather to participate.

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