The ability to work together with others for an objective is called cooperation. We cooperate because advantages are greater than disadvantages even if specific costs differ from person to person. In this game of cost and benefit, we all have our strategies and expectations. One of the many examples of cooperation is between a man and a woman in raising their children. Forty couples were studied (using film and taping conversations etc.) to see if, there where there was cooperation men and women have different strategies. The results say that when there is cooperation the man’s main objective is to avoid conflict with the woman, whereas the woman’s main aim is to see how honest he is in his cooperation. For example: Woman in the shop: “Dear, what do you think about this shirt for our son?”. Man: “Beautiful, get it right away”; Woman: “Glad you like it, but you know what, I’ll get him to try the blue one on as well which might fit even better”. Translation: If man and woman cooperate, the man echoes the woman’s choices, while the woman tests the truthfulness of this cooperation and sees if it can be improved upon. To do so the woman moves slightly off her original position to test if he will follow her. Once he decides to cooperate, she decides how they will cooperate.

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