Our surprise in front of something unexpected has consequences that are rather surprising. Surprise is an emotional response, but also something that reduces our mental defenses and leads us to investigate the surprising event. We then speak about the surprising circumstance with our friends and they will do the same with their friends. Surprise so becomes a means to influence people and create new bonds. The true surprise is only referred to the experience the person at the top of the chain has. All the other people are surprised by the story as told by the person immediately above in the chain of information. Surprise thus leads to collective effects on the culture of the place through hear say. The ease with which we can now send many messages to many people is transforming the ‘surprise effects’ into a science. One might think that creating a surprise effect artificially, is by definition contrary to the essence of surprise. In fact, surprise suggests something that is not foreseen and is unexpected. Instead, for a surprise to be such it must defy us and be unexplained. A magician who for ten times in a row guesses the card we pulled out of a pack continues to surprise even if, paradoxically, by the tenth time we would be surprised if he did not guess the card. The surprising aspect of this new science is that it begins from observations in very small children who laugh and enjoy seeing an adult suddenly disappear behind a screen only to then appear again. The child laughs because he cannot explain how the face can appear again. The science of surprise is particularly active in the field of advertising where it attempts to discover ways of unexplainedly interrupting our logical thoughts to create surprise. Once our attention is captured and defenses overcome, commercial info is rapidly given which we accept and transfer to friends using surprise as a vehicle.

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