We are used to reading advertisements about fitness products that guarantee a six-pack abdomen, sculpted arms, solid buttocks. We hear of drinks that improve concentration, memory improving minerals, and diets to re-discover oneself, reduce nervous tension, become beautiful, calm and handsome. A product and an activity that are not publicized very much and that are known to be good for one’s health, mood and friendships are books and reading. Of course, reading requires a lot of patience and perseverance. A recent study on the effects of reading offers surprising results. Reading leads to the formation of brain white matter and this helps the transmission of info to grey matter where info is processed. No one thought that reading had a physical and material effect on the brain. Not only, it has been seen that at the neurological level there is not much difference between reading about an experience and living it in real life. In the two cases the same cerebral areas are involved. Reading is thus a very vivid simulation of reality. TV instead, does not touch on these brain areas. The interaction between people that we read about in a story are registered as interactions that we actually witnessed particularly if we also have to understand the thoughts and emotions of people. Reading novels is not just fun but is useful as an experience that teaches us how to get along in life just as fighter jet simulators help pilots. Following these studies some English schools no longer assign homework to students but now ask them to read books written by great writers.

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