Unemployment is a serious problem and there are many reasons why young people can’t find a job. Market problems, lack of work experience, hundreds of candidates for a position as teacher or nurse. There is also the inverse situation where jobs are available and a candidate has a great CV, but for some reason the two situations don’t meet up. According to a study both parts are responsible for this state of affairs. On the one hand this young person who has always dreamed to have a certain career and has studied years and years to reach this objective. Once he/she graduates the candidate does not have the courage to jump for one of the opportunities the market offers. This is understandable. Would you marry someone for the simple reason that this person is available and judging from the newspaper announcement seems to have the characteristics you are looking for? On the other hand, the interesting jobs are presented for the masses. A super offer is defined such because it offers perks such as a car, smart phone, medical insurance; maybe they require that you be ready to travel away from home and be capable of communicating in Spanish by voice and e-mail. Not bad, but for someone who had dreams this splendid offer is not that great and a compromise has to be found. In a study sixty young graduates were divided into two groups of thirty individuals. The first group was offered jobs just as they were described in a specialized journal, whereas the second group was offered jobs after a preliminary study to determine which jobs were more suitable for each candidate. Then someone explained to these candidates why they were suitable for those jobs and why it would be a pity they did not apply. Of the first group, very few people made an application to be interviewed and in the second group almost everyone did. This shows how we are. Until the age of three we could die of hunger and thirst in a room full of food and water, if there were not someone to prepare the food and then feed us. After this age someone must convince us to go to kindergarten. So that the human species does not die out, Nature had to equip us with hormones that at the right moment make us lose our head for someone of the opposite sex. In the case of a job we want somebody to carefully explain to us why we should take the big step. Parents, teachers, head hunters must go the extra mile.

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