For various reasons some people find it difficult to fall asleep, the main reason being that they have worries and cannot stop thinking about their problems. It has been seen that writing improves sleep because it reduces anxiety. A study now shows that putting in writing before going to bed, the things one still has to do or must finish off, is particularly useful and comparable to taking medicines, in helping those who have difficulty in falling asleep to fall asleep. Simply writing what one has already done is only as useful as writing in general. Uncompleted tasks activate cerebral circuits which are difficult to inhibit and the memory of the things that still have to be done remains a lot more active than the memory of the already done things. The former memory is very useful in the day, but at night it gives rise to a phenomenon known as rumination which makes falling asleep difficult and favors waking up repeatedly in the night. Researchers are attempting to establish if writing what one should still do is helpful in combating insomnia, that is, those who sleep very little but do not have problems falling asleep. Also, with children who do not want to go to bed at night, it might be useful to write down the things one has to do the following day when one wakes up such as taking a shower, getting dressed, having breakfast, brushing one’s teeth.

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