We focus on prevention based care and age appropriate education for all our patients.  We believe that while the adolescent years are ones of growing independence, your children should not have to face all the challenges alone.

Below you will find some useful resources for you and your teen, including typical screening tests at adolescent visits, a list of our external specialists and programs that are available, links and recommended books.

Screening Tests for Adolescent Visits

The following are some screening tests administered to our teenage population.  Some are universal while others are selective depending on identified risks.

Vision and hearing
Anemia Screening and Testing
Tuberculosis Screening and Testing if appropriate
Dyslipidemia (Cholesterol and lipid blood tests)
Vitamin D
Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Urine Testing (universal over age 15)
Alcohol and Drug Use
Mental health screening tools including the PSC*

Administered to 11-12 y/o.  It is an evidence based tool used by health care providers to improve the recognition and treatment of psycho social problems in children. It is a one page questionnaire listing a broad range of children’s emotional and behavioral problems that reflect parent’s impressions of their child’s psycho social functioning.  The screen is intended to facilitate the recognition of emotional and behavioral problems so that appropriate interventions can be initiated as soon as possible.


Specialists & Programs

  • Adolescent Gynecology –  External consultant
  • Assessment for Emotional, Psychological, and Learning Disorders
  • BeFit StayFit program – Our weight management program incorporates nutritional  education and physical fitness to help live a healthier life
  • Dental Health Visit – External Consultant
  • Nutrition Counseling – External consultant
  • Psychiatric Counseling – External consultant

Recommended Websites and articles

The Center For Young Women’s Health (CYWH)
The Center is an educational entity that exists to provide teen girls and young women the highest quality health services and health information. There is a similar site for young males

Healthy Children
 This is the teen area of the AAP’s web site for parents. There are resources for teens specifically as well as parents. The parent area focuses on what to expect as your child grows as well as helping parents learn how to understand and deal with their child’s changing body and mind through the teen years

Learn to Be Healthy
Has special section for teens as well as parenting resources

National Geographic, October 2011
“Beautiful Brains”
by David Dobbs a great article about the developing teenage brain

Nemours is a large pediatric health system that has an on line teen and parent health web site






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