Common myths about breastfeeding

Common myths about breastfeeding


Myth  Facts
You can’t get pregnant while breastfeeding. While it’s true that breastfeeding prevents ovulation in some women, it is not a reliable form of birth control. Talk to your doctor about an acceptable form of contraception. Avoid estrogen-containing birth control pills.
You need to toughen your nipples before your baby is born. Your body naturally prepares for breastfeeding. Tactics to toughen them may actually interfere with normal lactation.
Small breasts don’t produce as much milk as large ones. Breast size has nothing to do with the amount of milk they produce.
Breastfeeding will ruin the shape of your breasts. Most women find that their breasts go back to their pre-pregnancy size and shape after they stop nursing. Age, the effects of gravity, and weight gain have more effect on breast size than nursing. Breasts will always change in consistency after pregnancy.
Sexual arousal while breastfeeding is abnormal. Many women experience sexual arousal while nursing. Breast stimulation is an important aspect of sexual activity, so it stands to reason that nursing can also arouse sexual feelings. In addition, oxytocin—the hormone released during breastfeeding—is also released during orgasm, another reason why nursing can be sexually stimulating.

All babies should be weaned before their first birthday.             

When to stop breastfeeding is a highly personal decision and varies considerably according to custom and individual preferences. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding as the sole source of nutrition for your baby for about 6 months. When you add solid foods to your baby’s diet, continue breastfeeding until at least 12 months. You can continue to breastfeed after 12 months if you and your baby desire.

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