Even babies can enjoy books and learn from sharing books with you. Sharing books with you little ones can help teach them to talk and get ready to listen and learn in school. Making books a part of your baby’s bedtime routine: Set aside a few quiet minutes with the TV off for sharing books as...
Archivi: <span>Projects</span>
The Scoop on Poop
Trimming baby nails
Baby Skin Conditions
Baby skin
Gets to sitting position without help Crawls forward on belly Assumes hands-and-knees positions Gets from sitting to crawling position Pulls self up to stand Walks holding on to furniture Shy or anxious with strangers Cries when parents leave Enjoys imitating people in play Prefers certain people and toys Tests parental response Finger-feeds himself Explores objects...
At 4 – 7 months your baby should…
Rolls both ways Sits with and without support of hands Supports whole weight on legs Reaches with one hand Transfers object from hand to hand Uses raking grasp Enjoys social play Interested in mirror images Responds to expressions of emotions Appears joyful often Finds partially hidden object Explores with hands and mouth Struggles to get...
At birth – 3 months your baby should…
Raises head & chest when on stomach Stretches & kicks on back Opens and shuts hands Brings hand to mouth Grasps and shakes toys Social Begins to develop social smile Enjoys playing with people More communicative More expressive with face & body Imitates some movements & expressions Follows moving objects Recognizes familiar objets and...
Developmental milestones of early literacy
In the spirit of making both good eating and reading a part of every healthy childhood, the following is a quick book-related look at the well-defined developmental milestones of early literacy. Younger than 6 months: never too young Unlike solid foods, it is never too early to start reading with your baby. Who cares if it’s...