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Heat rash

Heat rash

​Heat rash is seen most often in babies and young children. It occurs during hot and humid weather. It is caused when the sweat gland openings become blocked. This results in little red bumps around the sweat duct openings. What to look for:  Tiny red bumps in areas that tend to be moist  Commonly seen...

Baby birthmarks & rashes

Baby birthmarks & rashes

Baby birthmarks & rashes Many babies also get rashes or have birthmarks. In this article, seven kinds of rashes and birthmarks are discussed. Mongolian Spots These birthmarks can vary considerably in size but are all flat areas of skin that contain extra pigment, which causes them to appear brown, gray, or even blue (like a bruise). Most often...

Common conditions in newborns

Common conditions in newborns

Some physical conditions are especially common during the first couple of weeks after birth. If you notice any of the following in your baby, contact your pediatrician. Abdominal Distension Most babies’ bellies normally stick out, especially after a large feeding. Between feedings, however, they should feel quite soft. If your child’s abdomen feels swollen and...

Umbilical cord care

Umbilical cord care

You’ll need to keep the stump of the umbilical cord clean and dry as it shrivels and eventually falls off. To keep the cord dry, sponge bathe your baby rather than submersing him in a tub of water. Also keep the diaper folded below the cord to keep urine from soaking it. You may notice...

Common feeding problems

Common feeding problems

Feeding problems occur for a number of reasons, many of which vary according to age. Most of these challenges can be met through proper breastfeeding instruction from a nurse or lactation specialist and the natural development of a breastfeeding rhythm. It may come as a surprise, then, if your baby develops a resistance to feeding...



Mastitis When an area of the breast does not drain sufficiently, bacteria may begin to grow in that area and cause an infection, a condition called mastitis. Symptoms of mastitis include swelling, burning, redness, or pain, and you may have fever, flu-like symptoms, or generalized aches. If you have any of these symptoms, let your...

Common myths about breastfeeding

Common myths about breastfeeding

  Myth  Facts You can’t get pregnant while breastfeeding. While it’s true that breastfeeding prevents ovulation in some women, it is not a reliable form of birth control. Talk to your doctor about an acceptable form of contraception. Avoid estrogen-containing birth control pills. You need to toughen your nipples before your baby is born. Your body naturally prepares...

Things to avoid when breastfeeding

Things to avoid when breastfeeding

Many women find the need to restrict or alter their diets during pregnancy difficult. It may not be easy for someone accustomed to five cups of coffee a day (or an alcoholic drink or two during dinner) to abruptly change her habits and give up her daily java jolt. After nine months, however, the improvements...



By: Kathleen Berchelmann M.D., FAAP I’ve heard many a horror-story about flying with breast milk, from security agents who forced moms to dump out milk, to broken bottles. I’ve also made a few mistakes myself, once causing me to throw out several days of expressed milk. I’ve taken countless business trips while breastfeeding my five children, and these are my tips...

A breastfeeding checklist: are you nursing correctly?

A breastfeeding checklist: are you nursing correctly?

Signs of Correct Nursing Your baby’s mouth is open wide with lips turned out. His chin and nose are resting against the breast. He has taken as much of the areola as possible into his mouth. He is suckling rhythmically and deeply, in short bursts separated by pauses. You can hear him swallowing regularly. Your...

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